Incubator Manufacturer,Supplier and Exporter


Product Code : EL-CL-10348
School Equipment India is a Leading Incubator Manufacturer,Suppliers and Exporter

Double door outside metal, inside made of tempered glass providing viewing of content
Control Single DISPLAY, and Adaptive multifunctional digital PID-microprocessor controller with high definition TFT-colour display. 
Electronic temperature monitoring and controlling
Maximum capacity: 32 Litres; with natural convection
Double wall construction for temperature insulation
User setting of temperature and time
Micro-processor controlled stabile temperature for culturing of media
Temperature range 5°C above ambient up to 80°C
Temperature setting +20°C to +80°C; adjustment precision 0.1 K
Electronic on-off control, as well as a safety device against overheating
Unit fit with 3 shelves, adjustable height
Inner chamber, stainless steel
Outer cabinet: Easy-to-clean stainless steel construction. 
Rear zinc-plated steel.
Power requirements: 100V ~ 240V, 50/60Hz Function to stabilize power preventing unit from voltage surge accidentally.

Supply of Incubator from India to Finland, France, Tanzania, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Congo, Costa Rica, Ivory Coast, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, United Arab Emirates (UAE, Dubai), United Kingdom (London), United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burma Myanmar, East Timor, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia (Addis Ababa), Fiji, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Colombia. Math Teaching Kit suppliers in Luxembourg, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi (Lilongwe), Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur), Maldives, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Comoros, Congo. Math Teaching Kit manufacturers in Dominican Republic, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Niger, Nigeria (Abuja), Norway, Oman, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines (Manila), Poland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya (Nairobi), Kiribati, Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Mauritius, Nauru, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Rwanda (Kigali). Math Teaching Kit exportets to Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Spain, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda (Kampala), Ukraine, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen , Zambia (Lusaka), Zimbabwe

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